How to Disable Right Click on Your Blogger Site

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You visit a website more than once, and you're surprised when you can't do anything with a right-click. That's because that website probably Disable Right Clicking. This is one of the most popular methods to help site owners reduce the risk of image theft.

If we talk about WordPress offers a lot of ways for its users to help protect the content on their websites, but they are not efficient enough. Also, WordPress has not yet offered the disabled right-click function in its default settings. You should take the help of plugins in the WordPress repository to achieve this. With thousands of options, choosing the right one will not be an easy task.

Why Should You Disable Right-Click on Your Website?

As a visitor, right-clicking enables them to perform a number of actions for the content on your website. For example, they may select and copy parts of your post, then paste them on a Google search, or even print the content.

More advanced, knowledgeable technical visitors will right-click to inspect your website or get design settings and other back-end information.

In order to stock photos, logo-makers, or online portfolio websites, you need to be aware of the theft of images. Since you use photographs as the main attraction to get traffic, allowing visitors to right-click on your website is tantamount to making those valuable content meaningless.

Conversely, if you disable right-clicking on your WordPress website, visitors will no longer be able to right-click and save your images to their computers or inspect links to images easily.

However, there are still many other tricks to steal your works. This somewhat prevents a certain number of unwanted users from consuming your content without your permission.

What do you mean by Accordion?

The customer himself, the customer will be able to pursue the adipiscing of the company. We were born to see the smallest things, unless, blinded, we are chosen to succeed in our flight by just leading it to some. Do not the elders never have pleasure?

What do you mean by Accordion?

The customer himself, the customer will be able to pursue the adipiscing of the company. We were born to see the smallest things, unless, blinded, we are chosen to succeed in our flight by just leading it to some. Do not the elders never have pleasure?

What do you mean by Accordion?

The customer himself, the customer will be able to pursue the adipiscing of the company. We were born to see the smallest things, unless, blinded, we are chosen to succeed in our flight by just leading it to some. Do not the elders never have pleasure? It is very important for the customer to pay attention to the adipiscing process. Not to the just, but to the discoverer of him, who shall we lead to the gentleness of the great times? But unless he is prepared with desire that he obtains, or, those who have the least pleasures, I will not forgive them, as if we were an architect. Wherefore, here, but the duties of things, the whole of it, free from duties, there is nothing to follow further with the labor of the present, to reject the troubles of flattery, unless the blessed one is born! She, as the pleasures, born of these do not know the hatred of the truth will happen here, can we be freed by the great times and even those that are not convenient for the wisest of us? From what desire is said of them, let him seek time after time.

What do you mean by Accordion?

The customer himself, the customer will be able to pursue the adipiscing of the company. We were born to see the smallest things, unless, blinded, we are chosen to succeed in our flight by just leading it to some. Do not the elders never have pleasure?

How to Disable Right Click on Your Blogger Site 1

Don't forget to take backup of your theme, by chance if any mistake was done , you can able to restore it.

How to Disable Right-Click on Your Site

To disable right-click, you have to add a small code to your theme, many people will advise you to add a very large code. But we'll just ask you to add one more little code, so let us show you how to disable right-click on your site.

  • Go to your Blogger dashboard,
  • Click to layout
  • Click edit Add a Gadget and once in the HTML/JavaScript, 
  • and paste the code given below.

--------Disable right click ---------------- //disable right click menu <script language=javascript> function blockOne() { if (document.all) { return false; } } function blockTwo(e) { if (document.layers||(document.getElementById&&!document.all)) { if (e.which==2||e.which==3) { return false; } } } if (document.layers){ document.captureEvents(Event.mousedown); document.onmousedown=blockTwo; } else { document.onmouseup=blockTwo; document.oncontextmenu=blockOne; } document.oncontextmenu=new Function("return false"); </script>

After doing that, you have to click on the SAVE icon and SAVE the Gadget.

If the code does not work or you’ve faced any error/problem then please download the source code files from the given download button.


So this is all about How to Disable Right Click on Your Site. I hope you didn't have any problem adding an alert box.

If you found this article useful, do share it, and don't forget to give us your feedback in the comments section. Your one feedback inspires us to write more good tutorials.
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